Move forward!
Continuous development in (digital) solutions

At NBD Biblion we don't only send almost 2 million books a year to Dutch public libraries and schools, we also offer digital solutions for book search and discovery.
With our products librarians and teachers can sample their collection in smarter ways. Giving readers the right recommendations and books they really enjoy, will help to increase readers satisfaction and library visits!
During WLIC 2023 you'll find us in the middle of the exhibition hall, at booth F9. We are happy to tell you more about our digital solutions.

AI-driven solution for book search and discovery
With Bookarang, we offer innovative solutions for collection access. We assists readers with creative book search and discovery. These tools help librarians to sample their collection in clever ways. Because finding the right book ensures more reading enjoyment and satisfied library visitors.
Download the flyer to learn more about our three tools.
A tailor-made solution
The NBD Biblion Technology Group is the flexible and innovative partner in the world of machinery since 1998. With over twenty years of experience in the graphical fulfilment and lamination market, our proprietary high-grade and unique machines have helped us become a go-to reliable partner in this sector. Machines for lamination, logistics, sorter and special machines designed to suit our clients' needs.